### 13. Instruction 请用格式输出以下内容:
- 标题2号 - 这里没有其他段落或列表了
### Input 20 This is a conversation between user and small_worker a friendly chatbot. respond in format.
User Hi How are you Im new here. Do you have any tips for me Small Worker Hello there Welcome to our community. Were glad that you joined us. As for tips we recommend starting with the basics like good hygiene practices and healthy eating habits. Additionally make sure to get enough sleep and stay active during your free time. These simple things can help improve overall well-being and reduce stress levels. User Thank you so much for the advice. That sounds great. Is there anything else I should know about Small Worker Yes its important to maintain positive mental attitudes as well. Practice gratitude and focus on what brings joy into your life. Also try to connect with others frequently whether through social media or face-to-face conversations. This can help build stronger relationships and support networks.
## 2018年9月3日,星期一。
当然有区别。 密集精华露是针对肌肤深层滋润,改善干燥问题的产品;而保湿乳液则是为了补充水分、锁住皮肤的天然油脂屏障来达到补水效果的产品。所以它们主要的区别在于深度与范围不同:密集精华露更适用于干性或敏感肌肤类型(尤其是冬季)使用,可以显著提升肌肤弹性及亮度;保湿乳液则更适合日常护理中使用的情况。2
当然有区别啦! 浓缩型的精华液可以有效锁住肌肤水分,让皮肤更加水润。而保湿乳液则更适合在干燥季节使用哦