


  • Embroidery floss
  • Needle
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon or string
  • Beads or other embellishments (optional)
  • Glue or sewing needle


1. Choose a pattern:

  • You can find free patterns online or in craft books.
  • Choose a design that you like and that fits your skill level.

2. Cut the floss:

  • Cut the floss to the length of the design.
  • Add a few extra inches of floss for ease of handling.

3. Start stitching:

  • Thread the needle and tie a knot at the end.
  • Insert the needle into the center of the design.
  • Start stitching in a continuous line, following the pattern.
  • Use a needle to secure the thread.

4. Vary the size of the stitches:

  • To create a more textured look, vary the size of the stitches.
  • Use larger stitches for background details and smaller stitches for the center.

5. Add embellishments:

  • Once the stitches are complete, you can add beads, sequins, or other embellishments to the design.
  • Tie the embellishments in place with a glue stick or sewing needle.

6. Secure the design:

  • Once the embellishments are added, secure the design in place with a glue stick or sewing needle.

7. Trim the floss:

  • Once the design is secure, trim the floss to the desired length.

8. Display your finished project:

  • Hang your bb pin decoration from a clothesline or other display surface.


  • Use a needle that is the right size for the floss.
  • Keep the stitches even and consistent.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with different designs and embellishments.
  • Have fun and be creative!